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Random Talk

Kata orang memilih memang sulit tapi lebih sulit lagi bertahan pada pilihan. Nah gue to the point aja ya. Gue sedih banget. Everybody has dreams. Gue juga. Mimpi gue simple tapi susah utk dicapai buat gue pribadi. Sejak SMP gue punya mimpi utk sekolah di luar negeri dan hidup sendiri disana. Entah apa motif gue pas gue SMP. Mimpi gue terus berlanjut sampai gue SMK kelas 2 dan gue udah fix banget mau kuliah tapi di  Universitas Negeri kalo gak Negeri ya luar negeri Hayoo terlalu tinggi kan?? Gue sibuk cari beasiswa sana sini beli buku panduan gue baca dsb sampailah gue kelas 3. Pendaftaran beasiswa yang gue mau apply itu ke turki dan berkasnya itu lumayan ribet buat ngurus rapot di sekolah tau tuh sekolah macem apa-.- wkwk trus gue akhirnya telat pendaftaran dan gue pun berniat utk mengikutinya lagi tahun depan. Selain itu sekolah gue pun daftarin gue ke Univ Negeri di Indonesia yang gue pilih pada snmptn itu UNJ singkatnya gue keterima... dengan jurusan yang guebsuka  Ilmu

Bad Moment

Have you ever felt that you dont know what should you do first? Cause all of the things ask you to pay attention for them soon instead of another things. Ive felt that and always feels like that. I dont know. What should i do. I have lot of problems and task to do. From Homework, schoolwork, big examination, university test, scholarship, money, time, tired need refreshing, sad and manymore. And you just lay in your bed and think out loud about those stuffs but still do nothing. ha-ha But, when you try to forget them and relax your mind, lay in bed while you scroll the instagram timeline and music play in your headphone but still your mind cant lies to it self that your mind cant forget all of your problems. Your physics may relax but your brain and mind working hard twice. 1. think all about your problems 2. try to forget it but it still failed Ha-Ha. it may my faults cause i cant fight my own ego. But im just tired that i cant motivate my own self and i can do it to my